Oddelek za zgodovino

Utrecht Summer School 2022

Pozdravljene, pozdravljeni, 

prejeli smo obvestilo o poletni šoli Utrecht Summer School 2022. 1 študentka­_študent FF UL je oproščena_oproščen šolnine. Ostale stroške nosi kandidatka_kandidat sam_a.  

Tečaji, ki jih ponujajo brez šolnine, so objavljeni na povezavi: https://utrechtsummerschool.nl/courses/exchange_courses 

V primeru interesa se prijavite v mednarodni pisarni FF UL (Anja Golec), do 24. 3. 2022 (ime in priimek, stopnja študija, e-naslov, izbrani program in študijsko povprečje). V primeru več prijav bo izbor na fakultetni ravni temeljil na povprečni oceni. Izbrana kandidatka_kandidat bo s strani UL prejela_prejel kodo, potrebno za prijavo. 

Več informacij je na voljo v spodnjem sporočilu. 

Sporočilo organizatorjev:  

Please take a look on our website for our course offer for 2022 with on-site, online and hybrid courses. More courses are added daily! 

To give you an impression of our course offer and services, take a look at our preview flyer. 

Your students are welcome to apply, and we will again offer 2 fee waivers [1 od njih za FF UL] and 10% discount on selected courses. In both cases the discount applies only on the course fee, not on the housing fee. 

You can share the following application procedure with your students: 

Of course, we also welcome students for courses that are not listed for discounts. 

Students can apply until the registration deadline that is listed on the course pages, for as long as there are places available. 

Accommodation is available for students from the weekend before the start of the course until the last Friday of their course. If they wish to makes use of this the fee is € 200,- for the first week and € 150,- for any successive week. 

These are the steps to apply for a course: 

  1. Click on Register and create an account 

2.       Go to your course of choice and click on ‘apply now’ 

a.       You will have to choose if you want housing (yes/no) 

    1. You will have to fill in your passport number and upload a copy of the personal details page. 
    2. Upload any required document (e.g. motivation letter, CV, transcript of records). If this is necessary for the application it will be clearly stated on the course page which documents need to be included. 
    3. Fill in the Partner Code you have received from your own university if you apply for a discount course. 

In order to identify the students who apply for these courses we ask you to make sure that they use the partner code provided by the Utrecht Summer School, which can be entered in the Partner code field.  

We look forward to welcoming your students again in Utrecht or online. Please let us know if you have any questions or issues we can help with. 


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