Oddelek za zgodovino

Štipendije za magistrski študij na CEU

Za nadarjene študentke­_študente ugledne Central European University na Dunaju obstaja možnost eno- ali dvoletnih štipendij za magistrski študij zgodovine. Rok prijav: 1. 2. 2021, ob 23:59. 

Kot so zapisali v obvestilu, štipendija pokriva: 

• »a 100% tuition waiver 

• accommodation in CEU’s Vienna dormitories 

• a monthly stipend of EUR 470 

• a once-off research allowance of EUR 1000 

• health insurance 

As an international faculty and student body, we strive to think about history comparatively across geographical regions, historical periods, and disciplines. In order to foster a spirit of critical inquiry, students also receive solid training in historical methods and theory. In addition to the regular program of their degree, students can specialize in a range of non-degree subject areas and concentrations: 

 • Archives and Evidentiary Practices 

• Contemporary History 

• Early Modern Studies 

• Eastern Mediterranean Studies 

• History of Science 

• Jewish Studies 

• Religious Studies 

• Political Thought 

• Visual Studies 

All students applying for financial aid in the History MA Program will be eligible for this scholarship. If you are interested in the Gerd Bucerius History Scholarship, you should indicate this in the Statement of Purpose that you will be asked to submit as part of your application.« 

Več informacij: https://history.ceu.edu/howtoapply; vprašanja pa pošljite na njihov oddelek ge. Ivani Mihaeli Žimbrek, in sicer na history@ceu.edu. 


Oddelek za sociologijo

Prošnja za vnaprejšnje opravljanje izpitnih obveznosti

Oddelek za geografijo

Sprememba GU Nina Črnivec

Oddelek za umetnostno zgodovino

Otvoritev fotografske razstave Signature

Oddelek za prevajalstvo

Strokovna angleščina - 3. letnik

Oddelek za filozofijo

Nemška klasična filozofija - sprememba predavalnice