Oddelek za zgodovino

Predstavitev doktorskega študija v Franciji

Pozdravljene, pozdravljeni, 

prejeli smo informacijo o ciklu webinarjev, v katerih bo predstavljen doktorski študij v Franciji. Več podatkov je v spodnjem sporočilu in na spodaj navedenih povezavah. 

The French Institute is hosting, together with the French Institutes in Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Austria, a series of webinar on doctoral studies in France. 

4 webinars will take place from the 18th of January until the 8th of January. The first one will provide basic information on the doctorate in France, followed by 3 thematic webinars dedicated to health & life sciences, natural sciences & engineering, and social sciences & the humanities. Each webinar will welcome representatives of French doctoral schools as well as alumni. 

You will find more information here, as well as on Facebook. 



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Oddelek za prevajalstvo

Uradne ure strokovne službe Odd. za prevajalstvo (7. 10. – 11. 10. 2024)