Support and assistance by the University of Ljubljana

Dear students,

The University of Ljubljana follows the Ukrainian crisis with deep shock and concern, especially as the memory of the Balkan War is still all too fresh in our minds. We are aware that many of you are directly or indirectly affected by what is taking place there.

We would like to assure you that you remain a part of our university community and that we are making our best efforts to support and assist you. If you need any assistance, advice, information, or support, please email us at

Let me share current information about specific measures of support and assistance:

  • Within the University of Ljubljana, we are already running a humanitarian campaign called Srčna UL (Heart University) aiming to raise funds to help students from the affected areas who are studying at our university. We will let you know in due time how you can apply for this aid.
  • In addition, we would like to let you know that free psychosocial support is available to you. Our experts will do their best to provide you with assistance as quickly as possible. More information and contact details are available at
  • Through Legal Clinic for Refugees and Foreigners we are offering you free legal assistance. For more information please contact Prof. Saša Zagorc:
  • Assistance may be offered also by your peer students at the Student Council, please contact them at or
  • If your permit for staying in Slovenia will expire soon, make sure that you apply for an extension in time (keep in mind that Slovene administration is sometimes slow in processing applications). If you will need any help with that you can inform us or seek help at the Legal Clinic for Refugees and Foreigners (see above).
  • We are in continuous contact with the competent institutions in Slovenia (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, and the Embassy of Ukraine), as we want to make your stay in Slovenia easier. Slovenia is willing to help those who find themselves in need because of the war in Ukraine. You can find all relevant information on Slovenia's assistance to the citizens of Ukraine at the government web portal:

You can keep up to date with the latest news on our support and measures on

I wish you strength and courage and assure you that you are not alone during these troublesome times.

Yours sincerely,

prof. dr. Gregor Majdič, Rector


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