Tuesday 10:30 to 12:00
on Zoom, by prior arrangement
Department of English
Asst. Prof. Dr.
Lara Burazer
Assist. prof. dr. Lara Burazer was born in Ljubljana, Slovenia. She attended the Poljane Grammar School, which she completed with honors. After graduation (1989), she moved to London and spent an academic year delving deep into the study of the English language and culture. Upon her return (1990/91), she enrolled in the Faculty of Arts to continue her study of English at academic level. She graduated from the Department of English in April 1997.
In October of the same year, she started her teaching assistant position at the Department of Translation, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. She defended her Master’s thesis ‘The use of verbs as cohesive elements in Slovene and English texts’, in September 1999, under the mentorship of prof. dr. Irena Kovačič. In April 2008, she switched from the position of teaching assistant at the Translation Department to lecturer at the English Department of the Faculty of Arts, UL. She defended her doctoral thesis in 2011, on the topic of Perception and application of textual features in the process of translation and their effect on overall acceptability of translations as texts, under the mentorship of prof. dr. David Limon.
Her teaching experience spans across various age levels, dating back to her student years, when she taught kindergarten English (to 4-6 year-olds). She taught teenagers in acredited high school programs, as well as adult English courses within a private language school in Ljubljana (CTJ).
Immediately after graduating from the English Department at the Faculty of Arts, she started teaching undergraduate level practical courses at the Translation Department, such as English Language Practice, Text Formation and Interlingual Communication, as well as English Language Use courses at graduate level. During the first few years with the Faculty of Arts she also taught practical classes in Verb 1 and Verb 2 at the English department.
In the years 2001-02, she spent 18 months living with her family in San Francisco, CA, USA, where she developed additional skills and expertise on American culture and society. She also collaborated with the distinguished prof. dr. Victor H. Yngve and was actively involved in his project on Human Linguistics.
In March 2008, she started her position with the Department of English, Faculty of Arts, UL. Until October 2020, she taught practical courses Language in Use and American Culture and Society at undergraduate level, as well as Language Competences at graduate level. For a few years she taught ESP at the Department of Pedagody and Andragogy. As teacher-trainer, she regularly actively participates in professional teacher-training seminars organized by the Department of English.
In March 2020 she was awarded the academic title Assitant professor. As of October 2020, she is focusing on ELT within the following subjects: Teaching ESP, Teaching English Across Age Levels, Trends in ELT.
She continues her scientific investigation into the English language and culture, specializing in comparative study of American and Slovene cultures. She has published her research findings in various Slovene and foreign scientific journals, such as BAS Journal, ELOPE, Slovene Linguistic Studies, Linguistica, Razprave, Vestnik, to name a few, and regularly participates as a speaker at international conferences (SLE, LACUS, EST, SDAŠ).
BURAZER, Lara. A Contemporary Take on American Culture: The Effects and the Price of Exceptionalism, znanstveni članek, Romanian Society for British and American Studies - British and American Studies Journal (BAS Journal), 2020 edition; vol. XXVI, 2020, Timi?oara: Editura Universită?ii de Vest, pp. 67 - 76. ISSN print 1224-3086, ISSN-L 1224-3086, ISSN online 2457-7715, ISSN-L 1224-3086. [COBISS.SI-ID 19651843]
BURAZER, Lara. Examining the differences in assessing quality of translations and acceptability of texts. ELOPE : English language overseas perspectives and enquiries, ISSN 1581-8918. [Tiskana izd.], Autumn 2013, vol. 10, str. 127-137. [COBISS.SI-ID 54432354]
BURAZER, Lara. A formal definition of expectation procedures within the theory of human linguistics and their importance in communicating activities. Razprave. [Razred 2]. Classis 2, Razred za filološke in literarne vede, Philologia et litterae, ISSN 0560-2920, 2007, 20, str. 21-35. [COBISS.SI-ID 27523117]
BURAZER, Lara. Referring and the context of situation in view of the human linguistics approach. Linguistica, ISSN 0024-3922. [Tiskana izd.], 2006, letn. 46, št. 2, str. 61-70. [COBISS.SI-ID 33413986]
BURAZER, Lara. Reconstituting notions of reference. V: YNGVE, Victor H. (ur.), WASIK, Zdzisław (ur.). Hard-science linguistics. London; New York: Continuum. 2004, str. [115]-128. [COBISS.SI-ID 40086114]
[tip COBISS: 1.16 Samostojni znanstveni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji]
BURAZER, Lara. Glagolska referenca (nanašanje) kot oblika ustvarjanja kohezije. Slovenski jezik - Slovene linguistic studies, ISSN 1408-2616. [Tiskana izd.], 2001, 3, str. [58]-67. [COBISS.SI-ID 23215202]