Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani

Informacije za tuje študente / Information for students from other countries

(English below) // SLO

Zaradi težav pri prehajanju meja in nenehno spreminjajočih se informacij v zvezi s tem priporočamo, da se v zvezi z možnostjo opravljanja študijskih obveznosti na daljavo v spomladanskem izpitnem obdobju obrnete neposredno na izvajalce predmetov in se o tem z njimi individualno dogovorite.

Če tak dogovor ne bo mogoč in boste morali nekatere študijske obveznosti opraviti v Sloveniji, predlagamo, da se tik pred odhodom na pot natančno pozanimate o ukrepih in epidemiološki sliki ter možnosti prehajanja državnih mej vzdolž celotne poti. Več informacij v zvezi z prehajanjem meja in dokazili za prestop meje za študente je na voljo tukaj

Informacije za tuje študente v zvezi z izvajanjem karantene in podaljšanjem dovoljenja za bivanje v Sloveniji zaradi študija

Študente obveščamo, da skladno z mnenjem Ministrstva za izobraževanje, znanost in šport izvajanje karantene v tem trenutnku ni mogoče organizirati na nacionalni ravni, ter da morajo vse stroške, povezane z izvajanjem karantene, kriti sami.

Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve (v nadaljevanju: MNZ) pa pojasnjuje, da se morajo študenti, imetniki veljavnega dovoljenja za začasno prebivanje zaradi študija, v Slovenijo vrniti čimprej, vsekakor pa še pred potekom veljavnosti dovoljenja za začasno prebivanje. Če to ni (oziroma ne bo) mogoče, MNZ predlaga, da tujec vloži prošnjo za izdajo prvega dovoljenja za začasno prebivanje zaradi študija na diplomatskem predstavništvu ali konzulatu RS v tujini ali pa v RS vstopi na podlagi enega izmed vstopnih naslovov, ki so navedeni v šestem odstavku 44. člena Zakona o tujcih: v nadaljevanju: ZTuj-2) in vloži prošnjo za izdajo prvega dovoljenja za začasno prebivanje zaradi študija v roku iz sedmega odstavka 44. odstavka ZTuj-2 pri pristojni upravni enoti v RS.

Na univerzitetni spletni strani so objavljene natančne informacije za tuje študente v zvezi z prihodom v Slovenijo, izvajanjem karantene in izvedbo študijskega procesa na Univerzi v Ljubljani.

Pomembna informacija (27.9.2020): Obveščamo vas, da je Vlada RS spremenila Odlok o odrejanju in izvajanju ukrepov za preprečitev širjenja nalezljive bolezni COVID-19 na mejnih prehodih na zunanji meji, na kontrolnih točkah na notranjih mejah in v notranjosti Republike Slovenije. Prosimo vas, da se s spremembami na seznamu držav seznanite. Več si lahko preberete na tej spletni strani.

Študijski proces v študijskem letu 2020/21

Filozofska fakulteta UL bo novo študijsko leto izvedla v kombinirani obliki v fizičnem in virtualnem prostoru. Če ne bo prišlo do spremembe epidemiološke situacije glede Covid-19, bo del študijskih obveznosti izveden prek spleta (Zoom), za kar bodo študentke in študenti potrebovali ustrezen dostop do internetne povezave ter računalnik, kamero in mikrofon, del obveznosti pa bo izveden na fakulteti, zato bo nujna tudi fizična prisotnost študentk in študentov v prostorih fakultete.


Information for students from other countries 

Due to current border-crossing-related difficulties and the constantly changing information regarding this, we recommend that you contact the course providers regarding the possibility of taking the exams during summer examination period online.

If this is not possible and you will have to return to Slovenia, we suggest that - before you start your journey - find out the exact information on measures and the epidemiological situation as well as the possibility of crossing state borders along the entire route. More information on border crossing and the documentation is available here.

Information for students from other countries related to the implementation of quarantine and prolonging the temporary residence permit in Slovenia for study purposes

We inform students that in accordance with the opinion of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, quarantine cannot be organized at the national level at this time, and that all costs related to quarantine must be covered by the student.

The Ministry of the Interior (hereinafter: MNZ) explains that students holding a valid temporary residence permit for study purposes must return to Slovenia as soon as possible, in any case before the expiry of the temporary residence permit. If this is not (or will not be possible), the MNZ proposes that the foreigner submits an application for the first temporary residence permit for study purposes at a diplomatic mission or consulate of the Republic of Slovenia abroad or enter the Republic of Slovenia on the basis of one of the entry addresses in the sixth paragraph of Article 44 of the Foreigners Act: hereinafter: ZTuj-2) and submits an application for the issuing of the first temporary residence permit for study purposes within the period referred to in the seventh paragraph of Article 44 of Ztuj-2 with the competent administrative unit in the Republic of Slovenia. The unofficial translation of the Foreigners Act is available here.

On university website are published detailed information for students from other countries regarding arrival to Slovenia, accommodation for quarantine and study process at the University of Ljubljana.

Important information (September 29, 2020): We would like to inform you that the Government of the Republic of Slovenia amended the Ordinance on imposing and implementing measures related to the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 at the external border crossings and at control points at the internal borders of the Republic of Slovenia. Please do check the changes in the list of countries. You can read more on this website.

Study process in academic year 2020/2021

The faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana will start the academic year with so-called hybrid model (combining physical and virtual space). If there is no change in the epidemiological situation regarding Covid-19, part of the study obligations will be carried out online (Zoom), therefore students will need adequate Internet access, computer, camera and microphone. Part of the obligations will however be carried out at the faculty, for which you will need to be present at the faculty.

Information on social and psychological support (22.10.2020)

Information on managing stress and anxiety during the coronavirus pandemic is avalable here.


Department of Translation Studies

Change of Office Hours Nike Kocijančič Pokorn

Department of Geography

Change of Office Hours Simon Kušar

Department of Translation Studies

Change of Office Hours Martin Anton Grad

International Office, Faculty of Arts

The International Office of the Faculty of Arts will be closed from 1st August and 16th August.

International Office, Faculty of Arts

The International Office of the Faculty of Arts will be closed from 1st August and 16th August.