Anthropology of Migrations
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 60
ECTS credit: 6
Lecturer(s): asist. Nared Dagmar, prof. dr. Čebron Lipovec Uršula
Presentation of different disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches to the study of migration, introduction of key theories, concepts and methodological approaches. The anthropological analysis of some concepts, such as border, division and demarcation, perception and integration/discrimination of the Other and Otherness as well as the issues of citizenship and citizenship rights. A comparison of emigration processes in Slovenia and in the border regions with the contemporary immigration processes as well as the analysis of European migration policy (asylum policies, foreign and integration policies), legislation and institutions specialised in migration issues. A comparison with other European countries: a study of various institutions (the Asylum home, Detention centre, Centres for refugees, Integration house) such as governmental, intergovernmental institutions, as well as non-governmental, civil society organisations in the field of migration.
The application of theoretical knowledge when exploring different aspects of migration processes, migrant communities and ethnic minorities, with an emphasis on research of the second and third generation of »immigrants«.
During the tutorial students will be engaged in the comparative analysis of modern anthropological research among migrant communities in Slovenia, Italy, Spain, Austria, Hungary and Croatia. Theoretical knowledge will be used in guided research, which will be held in Slovenia or/and nearby countries, in migrant communities, non-governmental organizations, etc.
Basic Literature for Lectures:
1. Brettel, Caroline B., in James F. Hollfield, ur., 2000, Migration Theory: Talking Across Disciplines. London in New York: Routledge, 224 str. [COBISS.SI-ID - 1706986]
2. Castles, Stephen, in Mark J. Miller, 2003, The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 306 str. [COBISS.SI-ID - 22266978]
3. Khosravi, Shahram, 2010, »Illegal Traveller«: An Auto-Ethnography of Border. Basingtoke, New York: Palgrave, Macmillan. 150 str. COBISS.SI-ID 44766562
4. Lipovec Čebron, Uršula, in Pistotnik, Sara, 2016, Balkanska migracijska pot : od upora na mejah do striptiza humanizma. Ljubljana: Inštitut Časopis za kritiko znanosti. [COBISS.SI-ID - 609023]
5. Hameršak, Marijana in Iva Pleše, ‘Passing by In/Visibly: The Lone Child in the Croatian Section of the Balkan Refugee Corridor’. Journal of Borderlands Studies (2020): 219-237. https://doi.org/10.1080/08865655.2020.1735481
6. Papastergiadis, Nicos, 2000, The Turbulence of Migration: Globalisation, Deterritorialisation and Hybridity. Cambridge: Polity Press, 256 str. [COBISS.SI-ID - 19830365]
7. Stojić Mitrović, Marta, Nidžara Ahmetašević; Barbara Beznec i Andrej Kurnik. 2020. The Dark Sides of Europeanisation. Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and the EUropean Border Regime. Beograd: Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung for Southeast Europe. 135 str. COBISS.SI-ID – 14971913. https://www.ckz.si/arhiv/The_Dark_Sides_of_EUropeanisation.pdf
Additional Literature for Lectures:
1. Bužinkić, Emina, Marijana Hameršak, ur. 2017. Kamp, koridor, granica. Studije izbjeglištva u hrvatskom kontekstu. Zagreb: Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku, Centar za mirovne studije, Fakultet političkih znanosti – Centar za istraživanje etničnosti, državljanstva i migracija. 184 str. https://www.ief.hr/docs/knjige/Kamp, koridor, granica.pdf
2. Mlekuž, Jernej, 2008, Burek.si?! Ljubljana: Studia humanitatis, str. 202.
3. Mlekuž, Jernej, 2021, ABCČĆ migracij, Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU, Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo in migracije. 158 str. http://www.dlib.si/details/URN:NBN:SI:DOC-8E4IUVHJ
4. Toplak, Kristina, 2019, Migracijski pojmovnik za mlade. Maribor: Aristej. 136 str. COBISS.SI-ID – 97533953.
5. Zavratnik, Simona in Cukut-Kirilić, Sanja, 2021, #Ostanidoma. Migracije, begunci in covid-19 : razmišljanja o migracijah in družbenem obrobju v obdobju covida-19. Maribor: Kulturni center. COBIS-ID 43927555.
6. Lipovec Čebron, Uršula, Zorn, Jelka. Avtonomija in nadzor migracij v evropskih "tamponskih conah". Dve domovini : razprave o izseljenstvu 2016 (43) 61-75.
7. Lipovec Čebron, Uršula, Fekonja, Eva, Ivnik, 2020, Tina. Criminalized hospitality: the case of Velika Kladuša. Glasnik Etnografskog instituta 68 (2): 397-418.
8. Brettell, Caroline, 2003, Anthropology and Migration: Essays on Transnationalism, Ethnicity, and Identity. Walnut Creek: Altamira, 241 str.