Women's History
Study Cycle: 2
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Cedilnik Alenka, doc. dr. Selišnik Irena
The content is determined separately for each study year, before the beginning of the study year. The choice of the topic is in harmony with the most innovative research projects in the field of the history of women. The content of the seminar is comprised of individual issues referring to the most diverse sides of the life of women, their activity and creation in the past. Emphasis will lie on individual legal frames and social structures that had determined the material lives of women in the past, on their activity in the public and private sphere. Special attention will be given to the familiarisation of the way women experienced the historical periods that had presented political milestones.
L. Accati, Pošast in lepotica. Oče in mati v katoliški vzgoji čustev, Ljubljana 2001, 322 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 115359744
M. Verginella, Ženska obrobja, Ljubljana 2006, 203 str COBISS.SI-ID - 225170176
D. F.Good, M.Grandner in M. J. Maynes (ur.), Austrian Women in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Austrian Studies, Oxford, 1996, 237 str COBISS.SI-ID - 22626146
G. Bock, Ženske v evropski zgodovini, Ljubljana 2004, 432 str COBISS.SI-ID - 215367936
Raewyn Connell: Moškosti. Ljubljana: Krtina, 2012, 422 str COBISS.SI-ID - 215367936
Jodi Vanderberg Davis, Modern Motherhood: An American History, Rutgers University Press, 2012, 392 str. Modern Motherhood : An American History: EBSCOhost
Seminarski del literatura se določi za vsako leto posebej.