Introduction to Clinical Psychology
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 15
Seminars: 15
Tutorials: 15
ECTS credit: 4
Lecturer(s): asist. Bračič Mark Floyd, izr. prof. dr. Masten Robert
Definition an differential definition. . Histrory of clinical psychology.
Aplication, settings and domains of clinical psychology.
Conceptual frame o of clinical psychology. Evolution of teoretical models in clinical psychology. Etics of clinical psychology. Education and proffesional aspects.
Norcross, J., VandenBos, G., & Freedheim, D. (2016). APA handbook of clinical psychology. Volume 1, Roots and branches. American Psychological Association. COBISS.ID - 181325571
Norcross, J., VandenBos, G., & Freedheim, D. (2016). APA handbook of clinical psychology. Volume 2, Theory and research. American Psychological Association. (1. del - I. Theoretical Approaches) COBISS.ID - 181325571
Norcross, J., VandenBos, G., & Freedheim, D. (2016). APA handbook of clinical psychology. Volume 5, Education and profession. American Psychological Association. (poglavja 11, 14, 15, 21, 27, 28, 29). COBISS.ID - 181325571