Sociology of Education I

Sociology of Education I

Study Cycle: 1

Lectures: 60

Seminars: 30

Tutorials: 0

ECTS credit: 7

Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Kovač Šebart Mojca

- The areas and methodology of researching the sociology of education as an interdisciplinary scientific discipline.
- Defining the relationship between education and socialization.
- The relationships among education, the individual and society: education as a process of developing the individual's personality and as a process of the reproduction of society; education as an "essentially by-product" state. The social mandatory character, the socially dominant structure of personality.
- The place of educational institutions in a society; the relationships among the subjects participating in the educational process.
- The relationship between the normal and the pathological.
- The social role of educational institutions.
- The value foundation of education in public schools; expert solutions and school legislation; the educational conception of public schools (the factors determining the considerations of public educational institutions).

- Berger, P. L. In Luckmann, Th. (1988). Družbena konstrukcija realnosti. Ljubljana: Cankarjeva založba., str. 27–50 in 51–88. ID=3748352
- Durkheim, E. (2009). Vzgoja in sociologija. Ljubljana: Krtina ID=24869168
- Gauchet, M. (2011). Znanje brez smisla? V: M.-C. Blais, M. Gauchet in D. Ottavi, O pogojih vzgoje. Ljubljana: Krtina, str. 55–109. ID=258001408
- Kodelja, Z. (1995). Laična šola – pro et contra. Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga, str. 13–62.ID=55604992
- Kovač Šebart, M. In Kovač, M. (2018). Knowledge, Value, Equity: Contemporaty tendencies in education. Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovač, 166 str. ID=68079970
- Kovač Šebart, M. In Krek J.(2009). Vzgojna zasnova javne šole. Ljubljana: CEPS, 234 str. ID=246996992
- Kovač Šebart, M. (2019). Zdravi razum kot mesto boja za univerzalnost. Sodobna pedagogika,70, št.2, str. 10–30. Dostopno na:…

Relevant bibliography available in libraries and on the Internet – following the agreement at the start of the academic year.