Brazilian Culture and Civilization
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 45
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Medvedšek Mojca
- insight into the historical development and civilizational specificities of Brazil as the largest and most expansive lusophonic country and the role of Portugal in this area
- geographical outline of Brazil, an overview of each region, especially human and economic terms
- historical outline of Brazil: the discovery and colonization, discovering and conquering territory, slavery, the creation of Brazilian national identity, integration of the three ethnic groups: Indian, White and Black
- "Relocation" of the Portuguese court to Brazil in 1808, 1822 declaration of independence the end of slavery and the period until today - the first and second Kingdom, First Republic, the Estado Novo, 1964 military coup
- Modern Brazil: social and cultural aspects of contemporary Brazil, dictatorship and democracy
- economy since the beginning of colonization to the present
- brief overview of language development in Brazil, Brazilian Portuguese
- Brazilian culture, art and literature throughout the centuries (from the colonial period to modern tendencies)
Boris Fausto, Zgodovina Brazilije, Ljubljana, Založba ZRC SAZU, 2016 COBISS.SI-ID - 286751744
Dodatna in priporočena literatura
Alfredo Bosi, História concisa da literatura brasileira, São Paulo, Editora Cultrix, 1986
Paulo Prado: Retrato do Brasil - in Interpretes do Brasil, Coordenação de Silviano Santiago, Rio de Janeiro, Editora Nova Aguilar S.A., 2002. Izbrana poglavja.
Casa Grande & Senzala: Introdução à história da sociedade patriarcal no Brasil,– in Interpretes do Brasil Coordenação de Silviano Santiago, Rio de Janeiro, Editora Nova Aguilar S.A., 2002. Izbrana poglavja.
Sérgio Buarque de Holanda – Raízes do Brasil - in Interpretes do Brasil Coordenação de Silviano Santiago, Rio de Janeiro, Editora Nova Aguilar S.A., 2002. Izbrano poglavje, članek.
Caio Prado Júnior, A formação do Brasil contemporâneo - in Interpretes do Brasil, Coordenação de Silviano Santiago, Rio de Janeiro, Editora Nova Aguilar S.A., 2002. Izbor.