Selected Topics in Latin Literature DD 1/II
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 15
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 6
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Movrin David, prof. dr. Marinčič Marko
Two-year (four-semester) cycleforstudentsofthefirstthreeyears.
Lectures on a selectedtopic are supplementedbyindividualwork (general surveryof Latin literature). Each semester courseis composedfrom a briefsurveyoftheselectedtopicandthepresentationofanexemplarycase. Theanalysisof a particulartextprovidesanintroductionintothemethodsofphilologicalwork.
Individualworkincludessurveysoffourperiodsofclassical Latin literature, withexaminationsattached to theregularexams; theorderofthefourperiods is free, providedthatallofthem are assessedbytheendoffourth semester:
- earlyandmiddlerepublic
- late republic
- Augustan age
- Imperial age
G. B. Conte, Latinska književnost, Ljubljana: Modrijan: 2007 / G. B. Conte, Latin Literature. A History, Baltimore, London 1994, 864 pp. COBISS.SI-ID – 250722816
Bibliography to individual thematic units is provided according to the choice of topic.