Oddelek za geografijo

CEEPUS študijske izmenjave 2023-2024

Odprte so prijave za študentske izmenjave v okviru CEEPUS mreže GEOREGNET v študijskem letu 2023-24. 
Mreža GEOREGNET omogoča študentom krajše (enomesečne) in daljše (večmesečne) študijske izmenjave na partnerskih univerzah, ki sodelujejo v mreži. Štipendijo CEEPUS dodeljuje država prejemnica in vključuje štipendijo, namestitev in zdravstveno varstvo ter zagotavlja oprostitev šolnine. Potni stroški niso pokriti. 

Seznam inštitucij kamor se lahko odpravite na študijsko izmenjavo:

  • Mendel University in Brno - The Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies
  • University of Graz - Institut für Geographie und Raumforschung
  • The University of Zagreb - Faculty of Science
  • Palacký University in Olomouc - Department of Geography
  • The University of Prešov - Department of Geography and Applied Geoinformatics
  • University of Zadar - Department of Geography
  • The University of Pécs - Faculty of Business and Economics
  • Charles University in Prague - Department of Social Geography and Regional Development
  • The University of Novi Sad - Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, Faculty of Science
  • Jagiellonian University in Krakow - Institute of Geography and Spatial Management
  • University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
  • University of Mostar - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Humanities,
  • The University of Oradea - Department of Geography, Tourism and Territorial Planning
  • St Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
  • Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra - Department of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
  • The University of Prishtina - Department of Geography , University of Pristina

Na izmenjavo se prijavite preko spletne strani CEEPUS: https://www.ceepus.info/

Dodatne informacije dobite pri oddelčnem koordinatorju Boštjanu Roglju.

Boštjan Rogelj


Administrative Office, International Office, Faculty of Arts

International student welcome day

Administrative Office, International Office, Faculty of Arts

International student welcome day

Department of Translation Studies

Change of Office Hours Nike Kocijančič Pokorn

Department of Geography

Change of Office Hours Simon Kušar

Department of Translation Studies

Change of Office Hours Martin Anton Grad