Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko

Stopar: GU v izpitnem obdobju / Office Hours

V času izpitnega obdobja bom imel govorilne ure po naslednjem razporedu / My office hours during the exam period:

  • 18. 1. 2022, 11.30-13.00,
  • 27. 1. 2022, 9.30-11.00,
  • 1. 2. 2022, 9.30-11.00,
  • 10. 2. 2022, 10.00-11.30.

Pisarna 315 / Office 315.

Zoom (po dogovoru / by appointment): https://uni-lj-si.zoom.us/j/96036123503

doc. dr. Andrej Stopar


Department of Geography

Change of Office Hours Dejan Rebernik

Department of Philosophy

Change of Office Hours Timotej Prosen

Department of Romance Languages and Literatures

Change of Office Hours Alejandro Rodriguez Diaz del Real

Department of Geography

Change of Office Hours Boštjan Rogelj

Department of English

Change of Office Hours Andreja Drašler