Oddelek za filozofijo

Vabilo na seminar Heglova politična filozofija

V ponedeljek,19. 4. 2021, ob 18.00 uri pričenja Raziskovalna skupina za nemško klasično filozofijo s seminarjem Heglova politična metafizika, na katerem bomo v naslednjih mesecih poskušali misliti in določiti logično strukturo Heglovega pojma skozi politično formo. Na prvem srečanju bo dr. Zdravko Kobe izpostavil vpliv Spinozove politične filozofije na Heglovo spekulativno logiko. Koreferent srečanja bo dr. Lidija Šumah. Zaradi še vedno trajajočih preventivnih ukrepov bo seminar potekal preko aplikacije Zoom

Več informacij najdete pod zavihkom Hegel-Seminar.


Research Group for Classical German Philosophy and the Department of Philosophy invites you to the seminar Hegel's Political Metaphysics, which will begin on April 19, 2021 at 6 p.m. The focus of the seminar will be to think the the logical structure of Hegel's concept through a political form. On the first seminar dr. Zdravko Kobe will analyze the influence of Spinoza's political philosophy on Hegel's speculative logic. The co-referent will be dr. Lidija Šumah. Due to the still ongoing preventive measures, the seminar will take place via Zoom

More information can be found under the Hegel-Seminar tab.


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International student welcome day

Administrative Office, International Office, Faculty of Arts

International student welcome day